Advanced Mods

Advanced Mod Tutorials:Here you can find guides to drastically improve the performance of blasters.  The content here features complicated mods that go beyond my simple ones.  There are size reductions, combinations, pressure changes, and other really cool things here.

You will need all manner of tools for these mods, from hack saws to epoxy (usually in that order).  You will need materials for some of them like brass (7/16 or 17/32) and CPVC (1/2).
Post comments telling me what you think of my work, how it could be improved, or things you've done.

Rebarelling an old Tech Target with CPVC and installing a coupler mod:

Making a "Fanger" :  This is a custom Maverick Mod with Ultrabright LEDS

Making a miniclip mod for any clip blaster.  (originally from Jerm)

Make my Darkbow likemine (BBB and Nitefinder and LED)
Make a singled nerf recon for a powerful pistol