Alright guys, I've loved operating my own blog here, but the fact of the matter is that I only have so much NERF time in the day. Don't worry, I'm not going anywhere, in fact, I'll be posting more frequently than ever this summer. It just doesn't make sense to post here and on Jerm's blog NM&R and maintain my Youtube channel. So, I'm going to be giving up the NerfGrid to become an exclusive author on Nerf Mods and Reviews. I'll leave this site up so you guys can still read the Halo Nerf Rules and so I don't have a ton of dead links on my videos from the past, but if you want to continue getting the updates on my work and all the excelent stuff Jerm's up to, follow us on NM&R.
Sunday, June 5, 2011
Monday, May 23, 2011
The Nerf "Ice Drake" A Custom Longstrike + Maverick Integration
Hey guys, it's Drac and I'm back on the horse. I just cranked out this Ice Drake (commissioner's name, I wanted to call it the Hunter). I'm really pleased with how it turned out but I'd love to get feedback on what you guys think. If you're interested in making one yourselves, the video shows how I did it step by step.
I think its a cool way to augment the longstrike and it doesnt sacrifice the mobility of either blaster. I may be doing more with this detachable integration trick in the future.
Sunday, May 22, 2011
My Tron Nitefinder Giveaway and Build
Hey guys, it's Drac and I'm sorry I haven't made a post in a while. I have been super busy with end of year student stuff (exams, tests, packing, driving). I also attended my first war which was a solid drive and a ton of fun. Anyway, I'm offering this contest/giveaway blaster up to my subscribers on youtube and wanted to make it avaliable to the viewers here as well.
So there you have it! Drop me a comment below to enter and I'll addend these comments into the ones from my channel when I do the drawing.
P.S. There will be many more posts this summer, I have more free time and can amp up the modding.
So there you have it! Drop me a comment below to enter and I'll addend these comments into the ones from my channel when I do the drawing.
P.S. There will be many more posts this summer, I have more free time and can amp up the modding.
Tuesday, April 26, 2011
The Free Nerf T-Shirt Finally Arrived!
Hey guys, just a quick update to let you know that I finally got my free t-shirt from hasbro that says Nerf Nation on the front. THe video says and shows it all, so I dont need to say much more. Sorry Ive been so busy lately, exams will be over in another 2 weeks then my posting and modding will pick back up to the typical laser speeds.
Monday, April 18, 2011
Introducing my spartan shot .117, an epic longshot
This is my video explaining how I made my spartan shot 117. There were a ton of facets that went into this mod. I originally was just trying to get a decent blaster out of an awful ebay auction I got in, and I ended up creating my new primary with the junk I was sent and some newly aquired brass. The maverick has all of my mods in it (If I;m not a maverick expert by now, then im doing something wrong), and the longshot is my second angel breech and works much better than my first. I also got to put a k26 spring into this blaster, and it is my first k26 use. All in all, this blaster is powerful, versatile, and looks fantastic. I hope I only get better from here.
Tuesday, April 5, 2011
Introducing my Hellsing Arms Casull .454 AUTO
This is my mod that is half for cosplay and half for my own personal satisfaction. I've been meaning to complete this mod for a while and finally got around to doing the detailing. The detailing took an hour for each side because enamel paint leaves no room for mistakes. I really enjoyed this project and think it turned out looking pretty nice. My only regret is that I have no way to enlongate the barrel and make it a bit more true to the anime. After all, my alucard cosplay has won awards, it's about time I made a decent prop. I'll probably attempt the Jackal sometime later, but for now this will suffice.
I really want some opinions on this blaster. Let me know what you think of the asthetic and whether or not the readers here would be interested in seeing more nerf guns from anime. If you have a particular one in mind, drop me a comment. Thanks for reading.
//Drac V''''V
I really want some opinions on this blaster. Let me know what you think of the asthetic and whether or not the readers here would be interested in seeing more nerf guns from anime. If you have a particular one in mind, drop me a comment. Thanks for reading.
//Drac V''''V
Tuesday, March 29, 2011
Finished my Custom TRON Mavericks
I finnally finished up my Tron maverick mods (called sark and tron) based on the color of the el wire. This is without a coubt one of the trickier electronic integrations I have done to nerf blasters but they turned out excelent. The detailing took a long time to dry all the separate coats, but it was well worth it because they now looks just as shmick in daylight as they do glowing at night. Id love to get you guys opinion on them as I put a ton of time into them and they are now my flagship sidearms.
Wednesday, March 23, 2011
New Dart Tag is Crazy
Ok, so here's my quick update. School is madness right now, but I wanted to let you all know that up on my youtube channel I have posted reviews and mod tutorials for all the new dart tag blasters except the speedload 6 just because I dont have one yet. I'm working on it. Give me some time to get my classes locked down again and then I'll look into finding one to post content on.
Swarmfire mod:
Quick 16 mod:
Swarmfire mod:
Quick 16 mod:
Saturday, March 19, 2011
Introducing the Sharp Fang, my Sharp Shot Cosmetic Mod
I finally finished the Sharp Fang, a complete cosmetic overhaul on the sharp shot that turned out so clean and looks so good that this thing may be on my person for all nerf events now. It just was such a clean pait job I want to show it off. This blaster seems pretty shrimpy when it's stock but if youre willing to put in a few hours (cough cough 5-6), then you can turn up with something as great as this, and I for one, would love to see it:
Thursday, March 17, 2011
New Dart Tag 2011 Sharp Shot Review and Mod
I just got in my Sharp Shot from the 2011 dart tag line and have every intention of overhauling it. Even though it's a reverse plunger system, it is nice, and I enjoy the feel of it (I have large hands). The Review video is below, and the mod video will be added to this post soon. The custom paintjob and detailing and LEDS I hope to do will be a separate post.
Mod Tutorial:
Mod Tutorial:
Sunday, March 13, 2011
Ultimate mod guide for all three star wars blasters is live
So, I have finally finished modding all three of the star wars blasters I picked up a while ago. The first thing to mention is that the cad bane and grieveous are a PAIN. If you dont seriously know how to make things look better cosmetically afterwards, buy the rex. The rex comes apart cleanly. The others must be carved up a bit. Once modded, these things shoot all darts nicely and get fair ranges.
Tuesday, March 8, 2011
Humans vs. Zombies Game 1 Final Mission Vidoc
Well, I made it. I had to take out zombies the whole way, sprint for longer than I thought I could, and crawl through woods and even a swamp on my campus. But I made it to the car that was the evac point. I'm the only one who lived, but it was a great game and I like to think my army won with me since they were cheering me on the whole way. I can't wait for the next game. I'll have more, better blasters, and now that I've proved that I can beat the odds, my new goal is to get the majority of my army through the next game intact. Vidoc is below:
Monday, March 7, 2011
Humans Vs Zombies Vidoc Number 2
Here is some footage that explains how my hvz game has been progressing. The mission footage at hand is of finding a person hidden on campus.
I made it to the final location (which was a safe zone) and got to film some zombies up close, but the last man in my army just wasnt fast enough. Now I'm the last spartan standing and there are only 12 other humans left from other groups. The final mission is going to be really difficult. I'll have to choose my loadout carefully.
I made it to the final location (which was a safe zone) and got to film some zombies up close, but the last man in my army just wasnt fast enough. Now I'm the last spartan standing and there are only 12 other humans left from other groups. The final mission is going to be really difficult. I'll have to choose my loadout carefully.
Wednesday, March 2, 2011
New Hasbro Star Wars Blasters are Neat
Here is my demo and review video fo the latest star wars blasters by hasbro. The darts are really cool and I'm excited to see how the blasters perform once I'm done modding them. I fully intend to steampunk the cadbane one because my friend from johnson arms has been coaching me in steampunk paintjobs. Hopefully I can live up to his extrordinary work.
Still working on editing those HvZ vidocs...
Still working on editing those HvZ vidocs...
Sunday, February 27, 2011
Simple Nerf Firefly Rev-8 Mod is Live
I finished my nerf firefly simple mod tutorial and wanted to share it with you all. It isn't quite as powerful as Jerm's really cool air powered firefly over at NR&R. The firefly is just a really cool blaster that has an nice profile to run with and wield with one hand (as long as you've already primed it). Anyway, I wanted to post some content while I'm busy editing these HvZ vidocs (college kids curse like you wouldn't believe). Vidoc number 2 should be my next post.
Tuesday, February 22, 2011
Finished Raider Mod Tutorial is Live
Here is the video launch for my ultimate nerf radier mod tutorial. This is truly an impressive blaster now for mid-range accuracy and rate of fire and I expect to use it in hvz missions now. Possibly with an alpha drum to keep it light. All mods are described in the video, but I forgot to mention that I painted that one orange barrel piece black to make it easilly distinguishable from my unmodded raiders. (As if the lack of jam door isn't enough.)
Monday, February 21, 2011
Humans Vs. Zombies Game 1 Mission 1 Vidoc
This is an awful video where I show you some footage from mission 1 of game 1 of humans vs zombies this semester. Im going to try and get better shots during the mission tonight. I'll post that soon after editing it.
Thursday, February 17, 2011
Finished Custom Minimized Nitefinder for hVz!!!
In this video, I show you how I ended up making a really minimized and powerful nf with a keyring pull mod and a spring replacement that gives some serious power to the blaster. Ive basically made a really small sniper rifle that will use any of my CPVC speedloaders.
Tuesday, February 15, 2011
Finished my Longshot Frontgun Integration Mod.
I finally got around to finishing my longshot frontgun integration mod. After modding the frontgun's somewhat finicky internals I can get about 35-40 feet nicely out of it. I just wish I had a better spring to put in it after putting the time into a cool brass barrel.
Regardless, I think that for my first attempt at a longshot mod, this turned out to be a pretty efficient and powerful blaster and while it isnt my cleanest build ever, it is solid.
Regardless, I think that for my first attempt at a longshot mod, this turned out to be a pretty efficient and powerful blaster and while it isnt my cleanest build ever, it is solid.
Saturday, February 12, 2011
Simple Longshot Mod Tutorial is 1/2 complete
I have finished half of what I want to accomplish on my longshot mod. I have sucessfully made the main blaster much more powerful, and reinforced the stock. I want to do a killer paintjob so badly, but I want to use it for hVz more. The other half will come when I have the time to finish it in the form of a basic frontgun integration. Check the vid for details and specs:
Friday, February 11, 2011
Crazy Simple Nerf Tactical Light Mod.
I found a really cheap, but powerful flashlight at Wal-Mart for $3 that fits inside the nerf tactical light housing perfectly. I love how easy and cheap this little mod was.
Monday, February 7, 2011
Finished My Killer Radioactive Maverick Mods
I just finished my twin radioactive maverick mods and I have to say they look and function even better than I had originally anticipated. The hit pretty awesome ranges for a maverick. I honestly don't think I'll ever be able to get much more than 40 feet consistantly from a maverick. The real focus here is the cosmetics and lighting job. These both look good, but the primary one looks phenominal when running around at night.
Basically, the green barrels were carves out and I kept the original slide cover (black piece in stock mavericks. The switch was wired up FIRST, and then embedded into the plastic, the mini 12 volt is nested inside the barrels but off of the metal pole, so rotation still works, and the wires to the LEDs are all weaved around the air restrictor disks (which I painted black). The other bits are just my typical maverick mods and simple paintjobs.
//Drac V''''V
Saturday, February 5, 2011
Simple Scout Mod for serious power gain
In this video I show you a simple mod to the nerf scout to get more power. I basically recycled my element's spring into the case of the scout and it barely fits, but packs more punch. I also dremeled out the holes on the slide for that cool vented look. Overall, this was a fast mod im pretty pleased with. Radioactive maverick mod tutorial coming soon. Its gonna be awesome. Ill post it at NM&R as well.
Wednesday, February 2, 2011
Halo Nerf Wars Vidoc #3 (Slayer)
This video shows 4 marines going 2 on 2 in slayer. This was fun to film, but incredibly fun to play. I'm a first class commander now. I rank up fast, because I get a ton of bomb plants and headshots. I'll keep posting these as long as you guys keep asking for them. Check the vid:
Sunday, January 30, 2011
2 New Maverick Mods for Commission
Youtube user JeremyArifin wanted two of my awesome custom mavericks. He asked specifically for one "realistic" blaster with silver accents and a black paintjob, and one with red accents and tiger stripes with a black paintjob as well. The two blasters both turned out great and have my usual volley of mods for these commissions (full barrel drop, barrels individualized, spring enhancement, and AR removal). Check out the video for full details:
//Drac V''''V
//Drac V''''V
Friday, January 28, 2011
Halo Nerf Wars Vidoc # 2 (Brute Hunt)
Tonight, I went out to do artifact retrieval and a brute hunt for Halo Nerf Wars, and I managed to film a single encounter. The brute is "church" and he is playing with a stampede against newbie marines with 3 hp each. He tears them up until they finally take enough shots on him to put him into brute charge, and then they barely get the headshot for the kill. Check out the video:
//Drac V''''V
//Drac V''''V
Monday, January 24, 2011
Nerf Barrel Break Mod Guide is Live!
In this video I show you exactally how I mod my nerf barrel break and it annotates to a range test. Be careful when epoxying those pluners back together to epoxy them specifically into that middle frame piece to lock everything down permanently and prevent anything from breaking due to extra stress.
Ill update the mod pages soon! School is super hectic right now, beginning of a new semester and whatnot, but ill try and keep making content.
Ill update the mod pages soon! School is super hectic right now, beginning of a new semester and whatnot, but ill try and keep making content.
Saturday, January 22, 2011
A first take on Halo Nerf Wars
Take a look at this video for halo nerf wars. It is a new game scenario that is TONS of fun that im involved with the genesis of. Im thinking about doing a full writeup of how the game works and is played in this blog, but I need to know you are interested in seeing that. One way or another, let me know. Thanks for the input guys, keep it coming!
Friday, January 21, 2011
Introducing the NiteStrike: an original integration
In this video, I show you how to make my integration for the nitestrike. It is a modded nitefinder with a secret strike integrated underneath and theyre both hitting some pretty impressive ranges. I love this little blaster, hooking up the two dart holders on the side really makes it look super unique and is surprisingly more functional that I'd thoguht it would be.
If you're reading my blog, drop a comment here. I really would appreciate knowing people out there read what i write.
If you're reading my blog, drop a comment here. I really would appreciate knowing people out there read what i write.
Tuesday, January 18, 2011
ShadowFang Commission is Complete
Well, I had some bad weather which delayed my paintjob a day, but now I finally completed the Shadow Fang commision, and I have to say, it looks so good Im sad to part with it. I hope the commissioner appreciates how cool this blaster is as much as I do. Video is below:
Saturday, January 15, 2011
Darkbow is complete!!!
Here is the video for my darkbow:
Basically, the darkbow is a modded big bad bow integrate with a super modded nitefinder with a ton of glow in the dark accenting and a custom brass breech. The combination of all these projects leads to this, my ultimate primary for humans vs. zombies.
Keep reading,
Basically, the darkbow is a modded big bad bow integrate with a super modded nitefinder with a ton of glow in the dark accenting and a custom brass breech. The combination of all these projects leads to this, my ultimate primary for humans vs. zombies.
Keep reading,
Monday, January 10, 2011
Custom Brass Barreled Scout
The Legokiller from youtube picked up the first commission and wanted a nerf scout with air restrictors removed and a 17/32 brass barrel, so I made him one. See how its done below:
Saturday, January 8, 2011
Commisions are OPEN for a week
Im opening up commissions for a week. Full instructions and description is included in my latest video showcasing three completely custom mavericks I made.
Thursday, January 6, 2011
Commisioned to make Single Shot Recon
I was commissioned by Statician to make a single shot nerf recon for HvZ. This thing has tremendous power, thanks in part tot the generous helping of lithium grease and new o-ring I added. Full description and how to guide can be found in the video below.
He is also responsible for the new banner, which I love.
He is also responsible for the new banner, which I love.
Monday, January 3, 2011
How to make a clip fed Nerf Barricade
This is my writeup for my incredibly simple and fun clip fed barricade mod. I used a raider magwell, minimized it, and trimmed out my modded barricade to fit the pieces together. I also had to do a bit of augmenting to the dart pusher and remove the cylinder rotation bar entirely. See video and pics for more details:

This is showing that the raider's clip drop button is still completely functional.

This shows an overhead view and how the dart pusher fits perfectly into the clip.

A final shot of where my barricade is right now. Ill have to minimize it down some more before i create a holster for it.
This is showing that the raider's clip drop button is still completely functional.
This shows an overhead view and how the dart pusher fits perfectly into the clip.
A final shot of where my barricade is right now. Ill have to minimize it down some more before i create a holster for it.
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